04 July 2018

State Defense Forces

In my post on 16 May 2018, I introduced an idea to link gun ownership to security-related service. I will refer to this as the S2A project henceforth.

State Defense Forces (SDFs) could play an important role in this project. Currently 22 states and Puerto Rico have them. SDFs are like the National Guard, but unpaid, and their members are not required to leave their home state. Currently, their membership is largely former members of the regular military, but should the S2A project be implemented, their ranks might expand. I also suspect that there may be people who are willing to serve their country in a militia capacity but who also believe that military force should be a last resort and do not want to subject themselves to being possibly caught up in misguided conflicts on foreign soil. SDFs might be attractive to them.

Here is a short overview of SDFs' history and operations by James Jay Carrafano.

New blog: Logos and Liberty

 I've decided to start a new blog on Substack, which I have titled Logos and Liberty . I am doing this for three reasons: first, I want ...